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Hi, It's Me!

Something I've heard a lot in this industry is to 'pick your niche'. for a long time i tried to choose a favourite, but the truth is there's nothing I don't want to shoot!

my images focus on joy, warmth and nature, with a splash of hedonism  (love me some wanky food & drink). My goal is to put people at ease and deliver images that tell a story with heart and visual variety.

Growing up reading national geographic, I learned that photographs were a way to explore new places and cultures and that thirst for new experiences and learning is what kept me hooked. Every shoot i get to meet new people, learn about things going on in the community around me and explore new places. 

Why would I want to miss any of that?!

If you'd like to work with me, head over to the contact paGe to get in touch :) 


x  Jesse


by the gorgeous Hailey Birch at One spoon two spoon

Selected clients

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